A History of Advocacy
As a practicing trial attorney, Paramount founder Paul Isaac, Esq. fought in the courtroom to bring justice for injury victims. He also witnessed firsthand just how quickly a plaintiff’s settlement proceeds can dissipate without a comprehensive settlement preservation plan in place.
Identifying this need for plaintiff and attorney education, he founded Paramount in 2003 to counsel injury victims and work with them to identify their unique needs. Using this information Paramount can prepare settlement protection plans that ensure the settlement proceeds last for the rest of their life, and beyond.
Today, Paramount is empowering plaintiffs throughout the country. Our comprehensive planning approach instills plaintiffs and their families with the confidence to pursue their goals, with the peace of mind in knowing that their financial future is secure.
Plaintiff-Only Protection
As a plaintiff-only firm Paramount represents the interests of injury victims, their families, and their attorneys – not the interests of the defense and their carrier. This advocacy is practiced is every, relying on the plaintiff’s needs and goals as the bedrock of their unique settlement protection plan.
From Litigation to Living
We believe that every plaintiff deserves the opportunity to craft a resilient settlement and benefit protection plan for life following the settlement of their case. A plan that is sheltered from severe shifts in financial markets provides guaranteed benefits for the unpredictable times ahead and is diverse enough to maximize long-term growth.
These benchmarks are achieved because Paramount’s advisors themselves are an essential component of every plan. We serve as the plaintiff’s uncompromising advocate and guide as they transition from litigation to living – and for life.

Fierce Advocates.
Compassionate Counselors.
Paramount’s planning team is made up of experienced trial lawyers, licensed financial advisors, and industry professionals who possess the expertise required to set plaintiffs on the path to a secure financial future while ensuring the plaintiff’s counsel clears all pre-settlement hurdles.
Planning is Paramount
Let’s talk about your needs and goals. Call us at (716) 712-0127 or submit the form and one of our advisors will contact you soon.
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