Utilizing Structured Settlement Annuities to Create a Supplemental Retirement Plan
The U.S. Census Bureau has reported that 80 percent of workers aged 25 to 64 have less than $33,000.00 in retirement savings. For individuals who have been working for decades and are poised for retirement, that amount is not enough to sustain them for their life after retirement.
At Paramount Settlement Planning, LLC, our mission is to ensure that a plaintiff’s proceeds last throughout their lifetime. Our settlement protection advisors can help you and your client utilize structured settlement annuities to create a supplemental retirement plan.
For Attorneys
One of the benefits of structures is that they allow for deferred taxation for attorneys. The ability of an attorney to use a fee deferral strategy is independent of whether a client opts to receive a structured settlement.
With our attorney fee deferral service, you can create or supplement your retirement plan with a guaranteed element. At Paramount, you not only have the benefit of working directly with other attorneys but also licensed financial advisors and other industry professionals. Maximize the value of your fee and exercise the tax benefits to help fund your retirement.
For Plaintiffs
If your client can return to work following your settlement, a structured settlement annuity can be the most effective way to supplement their existing retirement plan. At Paramount, our goal is always to prepare, protect, and preserve your client’s case proceeds.
Structured settlements are designed to establish a secure financial future for your client. Our team will work one-on-one with you and your client to understand their specific needs. By using a structured settlement plan to help create or pad your client’s retirement, you can ensure that the client is taken care of throughout their lifetime.
Legacy Planning
Too often, plaintiffs receive a lump sum following a personal injury claim and spend the proceeds almost immediately. In a matter of years, or even months, a settlement that was designed to last a lifetime is gone, greatly handicapping a person’s quality of life. With Paramount Settlement Planning, you and your client can take advantage of a structured settlement designed to preserve and protect your fees and your client’s case proceeds.
We know that being able to provide financial stability for your family is a top priority. Legacy planning helps to ensure that a person’s family has the money that they need to retire comfortably, go to college, or afford the down payment on a home. Our settlement advisors can help you and your client plan for the future.

Planning is Paramount
Let’s talk about your needs and goals. Call us at (716) 712-0127 or submit the form and one of our advisors will contact you soon.
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